Welcome To Web3 (1-min. read)

“The illiterates of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn” - Alvin Toffler

I’ve had plenty of conversations in the past 12 months with friends - normally fellow parents, but also people in their 20’s - who’ve told me “Yeah, I’ve been meaning to look into crypto/NFTs/Web3 and have been hearing about AI, but I don’t know where to start.”

These are people who have heard of the money to be made in these new areas, have heard of the scams, have wondered how a picture of a cartoon ape can be worth crazy amounts of money… and so on.

But mostly, you/we all have an underlying sense of being left behind. To be a bit crude, s*it’s moving really fast these days.

This blog will aim to help you get up to speed - some of this knowledge may make you money; most of it will try to hit that sweet spot of digestible information - avoiding the firehose of info that leaves you dazed and confused - that will help you stay current and ready for opportunities.

As parents in our 30’s, 40’s 50’s and beyond, we are swamped, but we want to move into our later years without being dinosaurs AND we want to equip our kids with the tools that will help them thrive.

As twenty and 30-somethings, you’re also swamped with school or navigating the work force. You want to hit the ground running in your career and not be obsolete before you even get started.

The next post will get you acquainted with NFTs, and then we’ll cover artificial intelligence and more. In the meantime, here’s a good article on what Web3 really means, why we need it, and how we can capitalize on it.


Questions? Follow me on Twitter and leave a comment: @iamjif_eth

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Jeff Funnekotter